Merry Widow March 2022 Ticket Holders
Update on 25th January, 2022
Very sadly, we have had to take the difficult decision to postpone our production of The Merry Widow again.
Though Covid-19 cases are dropping, they remain very high, and we had to decide whether we would be able to rehearse and perform safely.
With a large cast, the risk of Covid transmission in rehearsals is high, despite the precautions we would put in place, and were anyone to test positive in the run up to the performances, we would have no alternative but to cancel the show at the last minute, as we do not have understudies.
If you have already bought tickets for this production, the Box Office at the Abbey Theatre will be in touch directly with you to refund your money.
We are currently looking at staging the show in Autumn, 2022.
Merry Widow March 2020 Ticket Holders
Update on 21st April, 2020
Sadly, SACO’s insurers would not cover our costs of about £7,500 for the 2020 production we had to abandon, so we are very grateful to the people involved in the production who have supported us by reducing their charges or by making donations.
If you bought tickets for The Merry Widow, the Abbey Theatre Box Office is holding your ticket money in a special account which can be used to buy tickets for March 2021. Alternatively, we would be very grateful if you would consider donating the cost of your tickets to SACO to help rebuild our funds. Of course, if you prefer, the Box Office will give you a full refund.
The Abbey Theatre did their best to contact every ticket holder last month by email or by phone. If you would like to donate your ticket money to SACO or receive a refund, or if you haven’t heard from the Box Office, please could you call Tina Swain, the theatre manager, on 01727 847472 or email her at boxoffice@abbeytheatre.org.uk . She is normally at the theatre on Monday and Thursday mornings, but has an answering machine for messages.
Merry Widow March 2021 Ticket Holders
Update on 8th January, 2021
SACO had intended to reschedule our production of The Merry Widow to March 2021; however with the recent announcement of a national lockdown, it is clear that this is not going to be possible.
When last year’s production was cancelled, the Abbey Theatre held your ticket money for when “The Merry Widow” would be staged. If things return to normal in the theatre later this year, SACO is hoping to be able to put “The Merry Widow” on in Autumn 2021, however this is far from certain at the moment. The company has therefore decided to ask the Abbey Theatre to refund the cost of the tickets you purchased.
All ticket holders should have received an email from us this week. If you have not heard from us, please would you email stachamberopera@gmail.com. Thank you.
The Merry Widow
Update on 22nd March, 2020
We are delighted to be able to say that The Merry Widow is now planned for Spring, 2021.
Please put these dates in your diaries:
Opening Night will be on Wednesday, 24th March at 7:30pm, then there will be evening performances to Saturday, 27th March and a matinée at 2:30pm on Saturday, 27th March.
In the meantime, keep safe and well.
Peter Kestner, Chairman
Abbey Theatre Closure
Update on 17th March, 2020
It is with great sadness that I have to report that, following the public health briefing on Monday 16 March, the Abbey Theatre Trust has taken the difficult decision to close their venue until the end of May, 2020. St Albans Chamber Opera fully supports this decision, and we are postponing our production of The Merry Widow which was due to take place at the Abbey Theatre this week.
After all the hard work that our group has put into this production, we hope to be able to present it to you at a later date, possibly in March, 2021.
If you have tickets for The Merry Widow, the Abbey Theatre will contact you to make arrangements. Please be patient and do not contact the Box Office about exchanges and credit. As many of the theatre's volunteers fall into the at-risk categories and have now been advised to avoid all social contact, the theatre team are trying to manage this crisis with a very reduced number of volunteers. They have assured us that they will prioritise all current bookings and will be in touch as promptly as possible, but this process could take some time with limited resources.
We know that there will be a significant impact on St Albans Chamber Opera for many months to come as we rely almost entirely on ticket sales and donations from our friends to cover the costs of our productions. If you are able to transfer your tickets to donations or to credit against a future SACO production to help us to continue with the work we do, we would be enormously grateful.
Wishing you all well at this difficult time.
Peter Kestner, Chairman